
Articoli in riviste peer-reviewed

Capitoli di libri

Leche book
  • M. Leonardi, G. Barbujani, A. Manica (2021) Genetic demography: what does it mean and how to interpret it, with a case study on the Neolithic transition. In: H. Reyes-Centeno, K. Harvati, G. Jaeger (eds) Ancient connections in Eurasia, Kerns Verlag, Tuebingen. Link
  • P. Gerbault*, M. Leonardi*, A. Powell, C. Weber, N. Benecke, J. Burger, M.G. Thomas (2012) Domestication and migrations: using mitochondrial DNA to infer domestication processes of goats and horses. In: Kaiser E, Schier W, Burger J (eds), Population dynamics in Prehistory and Early History. New Approaches by Stable Isotopes and Genetics, DE GRUYTER 17-29. link *those authors contributed equally to the work
  • M. Leonardi, (2011) The history inside us, in F. Feulner et al. “May contain traces of milk. Investigating the role of dairy farming and milk consumption in the European Neolithic”, University of York. link
  • M. Leonardi, (2011) Die weiße revolution der Jungsteinzeit, in J. Reinhard (ed.): “Milch! Nahrung – Mythos – Politikum”, Jexhof Bauernhof Museum, Fürstenfeldbruck. link

Presentazioni orali

  • M Leonardi, S Leedham, JLA Paijmans, Johanna, A Manica, Low levels of ecological adaptation among subspecies of the leopard (Panthera pardus) XXXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, 23-26 September 2024, Roma, Italy (inviato)
  • A Key, S Lycett, A Manica, M Leonardi. The ecocultural niche of the European Acheulean. ESHE, 11-15 September 2024, Zagreb, Croatia. (accettato)
  • M Leonardi, S Lycett, A Manica, A Key. The ecocultural niche of the European Acheulean. 30th EAA Annual Meeting, 28-31 August 2024, Rome, Italy (accettato)
  • M Fusco, K Douze, B Habte, A Leplongeon, SH Ambrose, C Ménard, A Manica, EE Spinapolice, M Leonardi. Evaluating the role of climate and environment in lithic production during the Middle Stone Age-Later Stone Age transition in East Africa, 9th Eastern Africa Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology biennial conference, 28 July-1 August 2024, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • M Leonardi, M Colucci, A Manica. Palaeoecology made easy: pastclim and tidysdm, two new R packages to make the best use of palaeo big data, Big Historical Data Conference, 22-25 November 2023, Jena, Germany
  • M Colucci, M Leonardi, J Blinkhorn, A Manica, E Scerri. A case study: modelling human-malaria coevolution through time using/integrating paleoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental databases, Big Historical Data Conference, 22-25 November 2023, Jena, Germany
  • M Leonardi, A Manica. Learning about climate change and evolution through a board game. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, 6-8 September 2023, Catania, Italy
  • Z Xue, S Leedham, M Leonardi, JLA Paijmans, A Manica. Detecting Environmental Drivers of Leopards Speciation SMBE Congress, 23-27 July 2023, Ferrara, Italy.
  • M Leonardi, F Boschin, P Boscato, A Manica. Time matters: testing for ecological niche changes in Late Quaternary European ungulates, INQUA 2023, 13-20 July 2023, Rome, Italy.
  • S Dennis, M Leonardi, C Ameen, A Ewin, G Larson, A Manica, L Frantz. Reconstructing the distribution of grey wolves over the last 50,000 years. 9th meeting of the ICAZ Archaeozoology, Genetics, Proteomics and Morphometrics (AGPM) Working Group, 23-24 September 2021, Oulu, Finland.
  • M Leonardi, F Boschin, P Boscato, A Manica. Species distribution modelling through time: a dedicated method, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA2020), 14-17 April 2020, Oxford (abstract accepted, conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
  • M Leonardi. A Palaeolithic cultural shift suggested by genetic and genomic data, Fourth annual symposium of the DFG center for advances studies “Ancient connections in Eurasia”, 13-16 Dicembre 2018, Università di Tubinga, Germania (invitata).
  • M Leonardi, G Barbujani, A Manica Human genetic diversity and the effects of subsistence strategies, Congresso FISV, 18-21 Settembre 2018, Roma, Italia.
  • P Librado, A Fages, C Gaunitz, N Khan, C McCrory Constantz, C Gamba, C Der Sarkissian, M Leonardi, M Schubert, ERC-PEGASUS consortium, L. Orlando An ancient genomic perspective on the horse domestication process, ISBA 7, 12 – 14 Settembre 2016, Oxford, Regno Unito.
  • M Leonardi, S Ghirotto, F Tassi, A Manica, G Barbujani Testing for the influence of lifestyle on genetic diversity through time, congresso SIBE , 31 Agosto – 3 Settembre 2015, Bologna, Italia, sessione in comune con il congresso AAI “Towards a Next-Generation Anthropology: challenges and synergies. 3 – 5 Settembre 2015, Bologna/Ravenna, Italia
  • M Leonardi, A Manica, J Burger Ancient population genetics: new insights on horse domestication, ISBA 6, 27-29 Agosto 2014, Basilea, Svizzera.
  • E Heyer, JT Brandenburg, M Leonardi, B Toupance, P Balaresque, T Hegay, A Aldashev, F Austerlitz. Patrilinearity conditions male cultural transmission of reproductive success in Central Asia and impacts genetic diversity, SMBE congress, 8-12 Giugno 2014, Puerto Rico
  • M. Leonardi, M. Fumagalli, M.G. Thomas, A. Migliano (presentazione orale associata a un poster). Adaptation to lifestyle in South-Eastern Asia. EMBO conference: Human evolution in the genomic era: Origins, populations and phenotypes 1-4 Aprile 2014 Leicester, Regno Unito.
  • M. Leonardi, J. Burger. Simulating horse domestication with the help of ancient DNA. LeCHE conference, Amsterdam, 28 – 29 Giugno 2012 (invitata)
  • E. Heyer, M. Leonardi, F. Austerlitz Cultural transmission of fitness. 5th European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Conference, 25 – 27 Marzo 2010. Breslavia, Polonia.
  • M. Leonardi, C. Weber, N. Benecke, M. G. Thomas, J.Burger. Ancient DNA and horse domestication. International Conference “Migrations in Prehistory and Early History, Stable Isotopes and Population Genetics – New Answers to Old Questions?” 24 – 26 Marzo 2010, Berlino, Germania (invitata)
  • E. Heyer, F. Austerlitz, M. Leonardi. Cultural transmission of fitness XXIèmes Journées Scientifiques de la Société d’Écologie Humaine: Les transmissions entre generations. 24 – 25 Settembre 2009. Montpellier, Francia.
  • M. Leonardi, A. Conzato, P. Fabbri, F. Mallegni, D. Caramelli, G. Barbujani Preliminary analyses of five population samples across 5,000 years in Northwestern Tuscany (Italy) – 51st Symposium and Proffered Papers Meeting “Human dispersals”, Society for the Study of Human Biology, 18 – 20 Giugno 2009, Roma, Italia.


  • M Leonardi, AC Araujo, A Salili-James, B Scott, N Brummitt. Integrating functional diversity and species distributions to inform ecological restoration in the western miombo woodlands. XXXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, 23-26 September 2024, Roma, Italy (inviato)
  • M Leonardi, M Colucci, A Manica. pastclim and tidysdm: two new R packages to integrate palaeoecological analyses in archaeology 30th EAA Annual Meeting, 28-31 August 2024, Rome, Italy (accettato)
  • C Padilla-Iglesias, Z Xue, M Leonardi, JLA Paijmans, M Colucci, A Hovhannisyan, L Vinicius, AB Migliano, A Manica. Environmentally-driven changes in hunter-gatherer population interconnectivity explain African genetic diversity. SMBE congress, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July 7-11, 2024
  • M Leonardi, A Manica. pastclim: a search engine for the climate of the past. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, 6-8 September 2023, Catania, Italy
  • M Leonardi, E Hallett, R Beyer, M Krapp, A Manica, pastclim: an R package to easily access and use paleoclimatic reconstructions, INQUA 2023, 13-20 July 2023, Rome, Italy.
  • M Leonardi, A Manica Climate change – the boardgame: a free educational resource to discuss paleoclimate, evolution and conservation, INQUA 2023, 13-20 July 2023, Rome, Italy.
  • M. Leonardi, G. Barbujani, A. Manica. The impact of subsistence strategies on human genetic diversity Evolution 2018 II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 19-22 Agosto 2018 Montpellier, Francia
  • M. Leonardi, G. Chaubey, M. G. Thomas, A. Migliano. Genetic adaptation to lifestyle in food producer versus hunter-gatherer populations from South-Eastern Asia. SIBE-IBES symposium, 15 – 16 Dicembre 2012 Ferrara, Italy
  • M. Leonardi, C. Weber, N. Benecke, M.G. Thomas, J. Burger. Horse domestication: a computer simulation approach. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) meeting, 23 – 26 Giugno 2012, Dublino, Irlanda
  • M. Leonardi, C. Weber, N. Benecke, M.G. Thomas, J. Burger. Ancient DNA, computer simulations and horse domestication. Jacques Monod Conference on “Theoretical and Empirical Advances in Evolutionary Genomics”, 31 Marzo – 4 Aprile 2012, Roscoff, Francia
  • M. Leonardi, C. Weber, N. Benecke, M.G. Thomas, J. Burger. Horse domestication inferred from ancient DNA data. XI ICAZ international conference, 23 – 28 Agosto 2010, Parigi, Francia

Commenti e copertura sulla stampa e sul web

Did going North give us migraine? An evolutionary approach on understanding latitudinal differences in migraine epidemiology
Headache Editorial: Ward, T.N. (2020) AHS Members’ Choice Award for the Best Article in Headache. Headache. 60(3):505.
Headache Guest Editorial: Cowan, R.P. (2019). Toward a Philosophy of Migraine. Headache, 59(4), pp.481-483.

The female ancestor’s tale: long-term matrilineal continuity in a non-isolated region of Tuscany
Nature research highlights: Tuscans’ roots in their corner of western Italy date back five millennia Long-term matrilineal continuity in a nonisolated region of Tuscany 

Late quaternary horses in Eurasia in the face of climate and vegetation change.  Origin of horse domestication likely on the North Caspian steppes
Popular science: Ancient climate change may have dragged the wild horses away

An earlier revolution: genetic and genomic analyses reveal pre-existing cultural differences leading to Neolithization
Barbujani G. Brunelli A. 2018 Il giro del mondo in sei milioni di anni. Il Mulino.

The evolution of lactase persistence in Europe. A synthesis of archaeological and genetic evidence
Le Scienze – Scienza in cucina: Darwin e l’innaturalità di bere latte, Dario Bressanini
Dario Bressanini on Youtube: Intolleranza al lattosio. Bere latte è naturale?
Nature News: Curry, A. (2013). The milk revolution. Nature, 500(7460), 20.