Talks for the general public

  • Talk on "Ancient DNA", Spritz of Science
  • Climate change board game presentation at the Zoology Museum, Cambridge
  • Climate change the board game activity at the Zoology Museum, Cambridge
  • Talk for the International Women's Day 2020, Science Festival, Museum of Zoology, Cambridge

Talks and outreach activities for schoolchildren

  • “Climate change” activity for Home Education Day, Natural History Museum London, (September 2024)
  • Supporting scientist for the “Cambridge Future Museum Voices” program (April 2024)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 11-13 students, “Meet the expert” program at the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (February 2023, 3 sessions)
  • Practical session for school children aged 4-11 about prehistoric art at the Museo di Geopaleontologia e Preistoria dei Colli Albani, Velletri (Rome. Italy). (January 2024)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 8-10 students, “Meet the expert” program at the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (Sepember 2023, 1 session)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 8 students, “Meet the expert” program at the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (June 2023, 2 sessions)
  • Online presentation “Cambiamenti climatici, la lezione del passato”. Liceo delle science umane, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Marisa Bellisario di Inzago (Milan, Italy). “AIRIscuole” program, International Association of Italian Researchers (March 2023).
  • “Back to the Earth: climate change and evolution”, Sancton Wood School, Cambridge (March 2023)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 10 students, “Meet the expert” program at the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (February 2023, 1 session)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 10 students, “Meet the expert” program at the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (January 2023, 3 sessions)
  • C’era DNA volta“, online presentation for schoolchildren during Festival della Scienza di Genova (October 2022)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 12 students, “Meet the expert” program at the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (May 2022)
  • Online presentation “Cambiamenti climatici, la lezione del passato”, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Majorana di Martina Franca (Taranto, Italy). “AIRIscuole” program, International Association of Italian Researchers (April 2022).
  • Evolution quiz” Online activity with schoolchildren for the “Young Zoologist Club”, Museum of Zoology, Cambridge (February 2022).
  • Meeting with the students from Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Cesare Baronio di Sora (Frosinone, Italy) “AIRIscuole” program, International Association of Italian Researchers (November 2021).
  • “Animali e clima: una sfida impossibile?” online presentation for schoolchildren during Festival della Scienza di Genova (October 2021)
  • Natural selection” Online activity for the “Young Zoologist Club”, Museum of Zoology, Cambridge (February 2021).
  • “Climate change, Un gioco da tavolo per capire il cambiamento climatico” online talk for the students of Liceo Mercalli, Napoli. (December 2020).
  • “Un gioco da tavolo per capire il cambiamento climatico” for FuturoRemoto 2020, Science Festival from Città della Scienza di Napoli (November 2020).
  • Il cambiamento climatico non è un gioco… ma se lo fosse?” for “FermHAmente 2020“, Science Festival in Fermo (October 2020)
  • “Climate change” talk and boardgame activity with Year 10-12 students, for “Meet the expert”, Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. (February 2020)
  • Guess the skull” hands-on activity at Kettlefield Primary School, Dullingham, Newmarket. (March 2019)
  • Talk: “Genes, culture and diet: unbreakable links“, Liceo Galileo Galilei, Trieste. Project “Un pozzo di scienza”, organized by Hera and Regione Emilia-Romagna. (March 2015)
  • Talk: “Genes, culture and diet: unbreakable links“, Liceo Laura Bassi, Bologna. Project “Un pozzo di scienza”, organized by Hera and Regione Emilia-Romagna. (February 2015)
  • Guide in archaeological sites for schoolchildren during fieldwork (2005-2008)
  • Talks on the topics of Prehistory, Human Evolution, and Biological Evolution for classes ranging between Key Stages 3 and 4 Scuola Pontificia Pio IX, Roma (2003-2005)

Organisation and volunteering for outreach events

  • Darwin Day 2024: organiser and moderator for MeetScience of an interview with Chiara Ceci about Charles Darwin.
  • 2023-2024: Organiser and moderator of outreach talks for MeetScience. Videos (in Italian)
  • Darwin Day 2023: organiser and moderator for MeetScience of an interview with Guido Barbujani about human evolution. Video (in Italian)
  • 2022-2023: Organiser and moderator of outreach talks for MeetScience. Videos (in Italian)
  • Darwin Day 2022: organiser for AIRIcerca Cambridge and moderator of a conversation with Guido Barbujani. Video (in Italian)
  • Spritz of Science 2021-2022 series: co-organiser of the networking and outreach events for AIRIcerca Cambridge chapter, held under the name of “Spritz of Science” (November 2020 – June 2021).
  • Pint of Science Cambridge 2021: Co-organiser and host of the roundtable “Climate change and conservation after COVID-19: what’s next?”. Video
  • International Women’s day 2021: organiser for AIRIcerca Cambridge and moderator of the talk by Anna Lisa Somma and Mirella Orsi “Parole di scienza e conoscenza: Ildegarda di Bingen e Émilie du Châtelet”. Video (in Italian)
  • Darwin Day 2021: organiser for AIRIcerca Cambridge and moderator of the talk by Chiara Ceci and Marco Ferraguti “Alla scoperta della prima edizione italiana de L’Origine delle specie”. Video (in Italian)
  • Spritz of Science 2020-2021 series: co-organiser of the networking and outreach events for AIRIcerca Cambridge chapter, held under the name of “Spritz of Science” (November 2020 – June 2021).
  • Darwin Day 2021: Organiser and chair of a talk on the first Italian edition of “On the Origin of Species” on behalf of AIRIcerca Cambridge chapter (11th February 2021)
  • Pint of Science Cambridge 2020: Organiser within “Our Planet” team (cancelled due to COVID-19)
  • Darwin Day 2020: Organiser of an outreach event on the topic of Charles and Emma Darwin on behalf of AIRIcerca Cambridge chapter, held at Darwin College (16th February 2020)
  • Spritz of Science 2019-2020 series: co-organiser of the AIRIcerca Cambridge chapter monthly outreach events, held under the name of “Spritz of Science” (December 2019 – June 2020).
  • Twilight Festival 2019: volunteer for the Botanical Garden for visitor reception and guiding activities (5th February 2019)

Interviews and media coverage


Graphics and painting

I had the pleasure to design a few logos, namely for the Evolutionary Ecology Group (University of Cambridge), for the 25th year anniversary of the Happy Hour of the Department of Zoology (University of Cambridge), for AIRIcerca Cambridge chapter and for its outreach event series “Spritz of Science”.
I also had the honour to contribute with two tiles painted by me to the permanent nature-inspired art exhibition in the Zoology Department (University of Cambridge).
Finally, I curated the graphics of “Climate Change – the board game“, that I created based on my work in the Evolutionary Ecology Group (University of Cambridge).

  • Climate change - the board game