pastclim v. 1.2 and paper

pastclim, our R package to easily access and use paleoclimatic reconstructions has now been updated to version 1.2. Moreover, is now out in Ecography the paper describing it:

Michela Leonardi, Emily Y. Hallett, Robert Beyer, Mario Krapp, Andrea Manica
pastclim 1.2: an R package to easily access and use paleoclimatic reconstructions
Ecography, First published: 05 January 2023

Here is a list of what is new compared to the preprint:

  • pastclim is now on CRAN:;
  • We have added functions to crop based on an extent or a mask, and to randomly sample points across space and/or time;
  • We added a cheatsheet summarising the main functions;
  • A new vignette shows how to work with custom data and how to add them to the package in order for them to be available for all users.

Here is a table summarising the functions used in the package

Download the data
get_data_path()Retrieve the path in which pastclim automatically stores the data
set_data_path()Store the data in a custom path
download_dataset()Download a whole dataset (all variables available)
Download variables of choice for a given dataset
Download variables of choice for a given dataset
get_downloaded_datasets()Summary of the downloaded variables
get_time_steps()List of time steps available in a given dataset
Get climate for locations or regions
location_slice()Get the climate for given locations (by coordinates and age)
location_series()Get time series of the climate for given locations
region_slice()get the climate for a given region in a given time step
sample_region_slice()sample a given number of points from the climate of a region
region_series()get the time series of the climate for a given region
sample_region_series()sample a given series of points from the time series of a region
Working with biomes and ice sheets
get_biome_classes()legend of the ‘biome’ categorical variable, when available
get_ice_mask()get a mask with the extent of the ice sheets for a given time step
get_land_mask()get a mask with the extent of the land masses for a given time step
vignette(“pastclim_overview”, package = “pastclim”)overview of pastclim
vignette(“custom_datasets”, package = “pastclim”)how to add a new dataset to pastclim
vignette(“available_datasets”, package = “pastclim”)list of datasets available

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